Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 53

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 7
issue Number : 53

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 7، ، issue Number 53

Analiyzing and Correcting Some Errors in Nafsat-al- Masdour

Mohammad Shahriari , Mohammadreza Salehi Mazandarani (Author in Charge), Mokhtar Ebrahimi


The text style and its originality can help a researcher with correcting a text. In Nafsat-al-Masdour there were some errors most of with have been corrected in an edition and explanation by AmirhasanYazdgerdi and the following studies. However, there are still a few errors that need to be dealt with and corrected so as to keep the originality of the text. Since the first edition of the work and the evidences within it are the most appropriate tools at hand, the writers try to correct such errors through a descriptive-analytic methodology. This correction relies on text coherence, parallelism, word collocation and also intertextual relations between this text and other works specifically jalal-o-din"s Biography. Finally, the researchers recommend the appropriate alternatives by presenting the reasons and evidences.

Nasavi , Nafsat-al-Masdour , correction and distortion , text coherence , editing

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